So, Roxanne had a great time at Ms. Lisa's. It took a little while for her to get comfortable but then she was pretty good. Ms. Lisa is really amazing at her job. Maybe it's because she has five kids of her own... Her sign even says "Screamers are welcome" when you walk in. She told me that when she took a career aptitude test, it told her she should do something like parachute jumping. I think that's definitely the same level of anxiety as toddler haircuts. But she definitely is lovely and makes you feel like your child is an angel. Which I could maybe have believed if Roxanne wasn't swatting at her so often. But, between a well-timed lollipop, an episode of Sesame Street, and a warm up playtime on a Lego table, she did fine. And her hair is so cute! We told Ms. Lisa that we thought Roxanne would look cute with a bob and short bangs, but we weren't sure that it would work for her. But she agreed right away and said that she needed a European haircut to go with her hip style. :) Again, she knows what to say... So anyways, enjoy the photos!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Princess Haircut
So, Roxanne had a great time at Ms. Lisa's. It took a little while for her to get comfortable but then she was pretty good. Ms. Lisa is really amazing at her job. Maybe it's because she has five kids of her own... Her sign even says "Screamers are welcome" when you walk in. She told me that when she took a career aptitude test, it told her she should do something like parachute jumping. I think that's definitely the same level of anxiety as toddler haircuts. But she definitely is lovely and makes you feel like your child is an angel. Which I could maybe have believed if Roxanne wasn't swatting at her so often. But, between a well-timed lollipop, an episode of Sesame Street, and a warm up playtime on a Lego table, she did fine. And her hair is so cute! We told Ms. Lisa that we thought Roxanne would look cute with a bob and short bangs, but we weren't sure that it would work for her. But she agreed right away and said that she needed a European haircut to go with her hip style. :) Again, she knows what to say... So anyways, enjoy the photos!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Roxanne's first haircut
I can't believe she is almost 2! I made an appointment for her first haircut on Saturday morning. She's going to see "Ms. Lisa" in downtown Decatur. We've heard a lot of amazing things about her, and Ben actually got his haircut with her last weekend. So hopefully it will go well. I don't want to chop it short, but it just needs a little shaping. She has a mullet. Apparently Ms. Lisa is great at cutting kids hair while they squirm and scream, and based on my last attempt at trimming her bangs out of her eyes, she will be doing both. She only charges $15 for little ones, so as long as we don't make this a regular thing, I think it will be fine. I'm totally going to bring the camera and take pictures of her while she's getting it cut. I'm so excited!
In other news, we've been getting things back on track with her sleeping, since we were a MESS with all of the moving. She's been sleeping through the night for the last couple of nights, which has been wonderful. I've got a cold that I can't seem to shake, and Roxanne seems to be in the last few days of hers. I guess it's just that time of year!
In Roxanne news, she is talking more and more every day. She is getting easier to understand, too. She has really been loving playing pretend, especially taking play food and "feeding" Ben's stuffed animals. The cutest is this GIANT teddy bear that Ben has in his room. She snuggles up and sits in his lap and offers him plastic hot dogs and tea. She sings to him sometimes, too. She has started giving silly responses all by herself, too. Today, she was putting her fingers in her ears, and I asked her if she had something in them, and she said "uuuuh, monkey tails!" And if you ask her what she has in her mouth, she sticks out her tongue and says "aaaaaah, a tongue." It would be sassy if it weren't just toddler honesty.
She has been enjoying "Roxanne's house" a lot. I bought her a cheapie baby doll stroller on Sunday, and she pushes her babies around the house non-stop now. Her other favorite home activities are painting and playing with her weebles. She and Justin like to throw balls around, too, especially at the blow-up hedge hog that she sits on in the living room. She will throw a ball at it, and then say "Mama, throw ball at hedgehog's face" in a very sad tone. Then I tell her it's OK, and she giggles like a maniac. Ah. Important life skills I'm imparting... :)
In other news, we've been getting things back on track with her sleeping, since we were a MESS with all of the moving. She's been sleeping through the night for the last couple of nights, which has been wonderful. I've got a cold that I can't seem to shake, and Roxanne seems to be in the last few days of hers. I guess it's just that time of year!
In Roxanne news, she is talking more and more every day. She is getting easier to understand, too. She has really been loving playing pretend, especially taking play food and "feeding" Ben's stuffed animals. The cutest is this GIANT teddy bear that Ben has in his room. She snuggles up and sits in his lap and offers him plastic hot dogs and tea. She sings to him sometimes, too. She has started giving silly responses all by herself, too. Today, she was putting her fingers in her ears, and I asked her if she had something in them, and she said "uuuuh, monkey tails!" And if you ask her what she has in her mouth, she sticks out her tongue and says "aaaaaah, a tongue." It would be sassy if it weren't just toddler honesty.
She has been enjoying "Roxanne's house" a lot. I bought her a cheapie baby doll stroller on Sunday, and she pushes her babies around the house non-stop now. Her other favorite home activities are painting and playing with her weebles. She and Justin like to throw balls around, too, especially at the blow-up hedge hog that she sits on in the living room. She will throw a ball at it, and then say "Mama, throw ball at hedgehog's face" in a very sad tone. Then I tell her it's OK, and she giggles like a maniac. Ah. Important life skills I'm imparting... :)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Finally! Photos!
I totally would like to blame my lack of photos on not being able to find something for the camera, but no. Just laziness. Sorry! So I'm posting photos. There are more on Flickr. The top few are from our visit to the children's hospital. Last Thursday, Roxanne stuck a little berry from some monkey grass up her nose. She calls them "acorns" and she kept saying "acorn in nose, mama." over and over. I saw it in there (up high) but by the time we were seen at the ER, it was gone. Phew! But yes, you can see she was having a big time there. Every time someone came into the room, she would yell "Hey there!" and wave. The likely story is that the berry came out through her throat and she swallowed it. Fortunately, those are not poisonous berries. The ER doctor apparently had just had to call poison control about them because a little boy had eaten a huge amount of them. Ah, kids.
The last photo is old, but it's from a trip to Kendree and Jon's house, where Roxanne was playing dress-up with her cousins. Just proof that we do let her do girly things, too!
Hope all is well! I'll try to post to the house blog soon. We've been busy, what with ER trips, painting, etc. etc.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Happy Birthday to Me
So, Roxanne has really really been into singing the birthday song lately. Our family has a lot of fall birthdays, so I guess she's just been hearing it a lot, too. Mine was most recent, so Justin taught her to sing me the happy birthday song, which she kept singing after my birthday, too. To try and explain that it was not my birthday any more, I told her it would be her birthday next, and told her she could sing "Happy Birthday to Me!" and apparently it caught on. She just sings it at random times. Some of her other new favorite phrases are "I did it!," "I'm so scared!," "I busted it,"What's going on?," and her newest, "I want candy, Mama!" Thanks Halloween. She is less of a parrot these days and more of a little person. She puts words and concepts together in a really neat way. On Monday morning (our first morning waking up in the house) she ran into our footboard and hit her lip. She told me, "I am busted my lip mama." When I put her on the phone with people, she is getting pretty good at making conversation. Today on our drive home, she was talking to Nana on the phone, and I told her to tell Nana where we were going, and she said, "Roxanne go get Dada." It's funny how sometimes she talks about her self as "I" but other times says her name.
In not so nice news, I have been having a lot of trouble with her biting. She doesn't bite me, just Ben. They bite each other, but it's still bad. It's especially frustrating because she is verbal enough to tell me or Ben why she's upset. She tells me all the time "I want to play with Ben's car" or "Ben take it away," but when they get into scuffles, she loses control. She's only bitten him 3 times, but that's enough for me. She's tried to bite him many more, but I've caught it in time. Of course, one of those bites was a result of Ben putting his finger in her mouth. But one of the bites I found out about much later. Apparently, his grandparents noticed he had a bite mark on his little booty. Sigh. I guess I missed that one.
She has been having a lot of fun re-meeting all of her old toys. She really missed them all. And she got lots of new ones from Mimi and from Chloe and Ella, and Nana. She's so spoiled! Honestly, we now have enough toys for three kids. But Justin and I both really like the play room that we'll have here. One advantage of a small house is that she can be in the playroom and we are in the kitchen or living room and we can hear her perfectly. And in two steps, we can see her. We do need to find a good storage solution for in there though. Right now there are still lots of boxes everywhere.
Oh, and because I'm constantly overextending myself and taking on projects that I can't complete, I set up a house blog. I wanted to make sure that I didn't spend all my time on Roxanne's blog talking about the house, like I have been. And I'd like to have it as a record for later. If you want to check it out, the URL is and I'll probably put a link up for it on this blog. So, if you are interested in that stuff, check it out. It's still really stripped down for now, but some day I'll spend some time making it look better and put up some links to other design blogs I like. My mom told me about one in particular written by a young guy in Athens who is renovating his first mid-century ranch. And while I don't like some of the choices he makes, it's nice to see some of his projects. So yes. I'm off to try and get some work done. And charge the camera! We finally found the charger! Yay!
In not so nice news, I have been having a lot of trouble with her biting. She doesn't bite me, just Ben. They bite each other, but it's still bad. It's especially frustrating because she is verbal enough to tell me or Ben why she's upset. She tells me all the time "I want to play with Ben's car" or "Ben take it away," but when they get into scuffles, she loses control. She's only bitten him 3 times, but that's enough for me. She's tried to bite him many more, but I've caught it in time. Of course, one of those bites was a result of Ben putting his finger in her mouth. But one of the bites I found out about much later. Apparently, his grandparents noticed he had a bite mark on his little booty. Sigh. I guess I missed that one.
She has been having a lot of fun re-meeting all of her old toys. She really missed them all. And she got lots of new ones from Mimi and from Chloe and Ella, and Nana. She's so spoiled! Honestly, we now have enough toys for three kids. But Justin and I both really like the play room that we'll have here. One advantage of a small house is that she can be in the playroom and we are in the kitchen or living room and we can hear her perfectly. And in two steps, we can see her. We do need to find a good storage solution for in there though. Right now there are still lots of boxes everywhere.
Oh, and because I'm constantly overextending myself and taking on projects that I can't complete, I set up a house blog. I wanted to make sure that I didn't spend all my time on Roxanne's blog talking about the house, like I have been. And I'd like to have it as a record for later. If you want to check it out, the URL is and I'll probably put a link up for it on this blog. So, if you are interested in that stuff, check it out. It's still really stripped down for now, but some day I'll spend some time making it look better and put up some links to other design blogs I like. My mom told me about one in particular written by a young guy in Athens who is renovating his first mid-century ranch. And while I don't like some of the choices he makes, it's nice to see some of his projects. So yes. I'm off to try and get some work done. And charge the camera! We finally found the charger! Yay!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Halloween Photos!

This is my first post from the new house... I'm just doing a quick one because we are all exhausted and Roxanne is going nuts. We're going to watch some TV on our computer, thanks to Mike setting up our network for us! Thanks Mike! And thanks Nana for keeping up with Roxanne. She has been walking around since Nana left a little while ago saying "miss Nana, Mama. Miss Nana, Mama." Awww. And thank you to Mimi and Kaitlin for visiting this morning and paying lots of attention to Roxanne. She needs it. And thanks to Ariel and Luke for coming over today with food and helping lots and lots. And thanks to Kendree and Chloe for coming and helping so much yesterday. We truly are so lucky to have such a helpful and loving family. We still have lots of work to do. But it's coming along nicely.
Anyways, I'm posting some photos Mike took of us on Halloween. We went trick or treating with Roxanne in Nana and Mike's neighborhood. Roxanne had a great time and is demanding candy as often as possible. I made Roxanne's owl costume. Hopefully it doesn't look to cobbled together. We had a great time.
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