Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Today was the day

where the doctor took about 10 pints of my blood. I am also exactly 16 weeks pregnant today. We also officially told the doctor that we do not plan on finding out if Hosey is going to be a boy or a girl. I'm sure when I go for my ultrasound on August 8, I'll be wondering if this was really the right decision, but for now, we think it's the best way to go.

I didn't really learn anything new today, just had to answer more questions about myself (No, I don't smoke. No, I don't drink. No, I don't do drugs. No, I don't work in a coal mine.). We did get to hear the heartbeat, which was about 140 beats per something... At least I think that's what the doctor said. She sort of mumbled it, and I didn't think to ask her to repeat it. It didn't occur to me until afterward that I have a baby book that talks about the old wive's tale and the heart rate. It even gives ranges, so you can guess your baby's gender based on the heartbeat rate. Not that I believe it, but it is sort of fun. The other day I made Justin dangle his wedding ring over my belly on a "string" (the only thing we had available was a bra strap from one of those convertible bras that I will never use again) but the results were inconclusive at best. It's supposed to go in a circle or back and forth based on the gender of the baby. For us, it went back and forth and then in a circle. So either it didn't work, or we're having a baby that is both boy and girl...

I'm still a little bit in shock, as though the fact that I'm pregnant still hasn't sunk in. I'm feeling so much better these days, no more all-day nausea and generally yuckiness, and I'm starting to feel pregnant. I am noticing my belly more, and although I'm barely showing, it's exciting. I can still wear some of my regular pants, but I have to do the rubber band trick, or wear the belly sling over the top of them to hold them closed. I figure I'll be sick of the sight of my maternity clothes soon enough, so I should try and not wear them too much yet.

Justin has been very very wonderful, and is doing his best to make sure that I am comfortable (sleeping with a pregnant woman is not an easy task, since I kick, move around all the time and I'm constantly itchy...). He's a trooper, and I know he's going to make a wonderful father.


Anonymous said...

Much congrats! Miss you guys...cute picture...

Susan said...

Great way to update the mass amount of family and friends who are so interested in you three! Hope you continue to feel well and get lots of rest! Susan and JimDad

Dawn said...

Hey, I'm so glad you are feeling better. The nausea is one of the worst things I've ever experienced when I was pregnant with Justin. They tell you that you forget all of that in time and that is why you have more babies. I have never really forgotten the memory just fades.

Old wives tale or not, I do believe that the heart rate may predict the sex of the baby. Jessica & Kaitlin's heart rates were higher than Justin's, but then again they always were more rambunctious than he was!

As one of the grandmothers, I am really disappointed you aren't going to find out if it is a boy or a girl, but I guess that will add to the excitement at the birth. Don't blame us, if all of Hosey's clothes are yellow or pastel green!! Just kidding!

Terry, Kaitlin & I are very excited and can't wait for the baby to get here. Thought of any names yet?

J said...

Even if you DO find out, people will enjoy telling you that the doctor was wrong about the sex. If you don't care if it's a boy or girl, it doesn't matter, but we really wanted a girl....

Anonymous said...

I am so excited you decided to do a blog! That is such a great idea. Adriane, you are such a wonderful writer. I am at Aunt Barbara's house right now with Brian and the three children. We all just read it! We laughed so hard. You are so cute. I feel your pain and everything else. Tell Justin I'm sorry I never called him back on Saturday. I got busy and forgot. But I will be calling soon. Hope ya'll are doing well. I can't wait to feel your belly. Aunt barbara said she wants you to send her the blog if you didn't already. Love ya'll XOXO