I've been working on little onesies the last few days, inspired by the expensive ones that I saw at a boutique/art gallery here in Atlanta. Mine are a little different, since I don't have a sewing machine, and I'm using embroidery thread with a blanket stitch to get the shapes I want. I also have been using fabric from 70's sheets I found at the thrift store, while most of the boutique ones use felt. Apparently the felt pills when you wash it, and I figured the sheets have probably already been washed around 800 times and are still holding strong.
I gave the elephant one to a co-worker whose daughter is pregnant and due around the same time as me. She had a recent vacation in India, and somehow the elephant seemed appropriate. She promised to knit a sweater for Hosey in return.
I think next I'll try a caterpillar or a swallow. They don't take too long, and I'm happy with how they turn out!
Cute! You did a good job on them. I saw the nursery set on target.com and it is really cute! I like it a lot.
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