So Justin and I didn't make it to the open house at Georgia State. Ooops. I wasn't feeling so hot, and it was storming outside. It ended up being good that we skipped it, as I got a little bit sick on Tuesday night. I'm feeling fine now, although I did go to the doctor yesterday afternoon.
It's funny. I used to go to the doctor maybe once a year, or even less. Now I feel like I am either calling them or going in once a week. Any kind of weird symptoms, you look them up in your baby books, and they say "call your doctor if you are having these symptoms." Then in my case, you call the doctor, the nurse calls you back a few hours later, tells you to come in for an exam, and then you do, and the doctor tells you that there's nothing wrong. Oh well. Better safe than sorry! And I got to hear the heartbeat again. I always love that. She measured my belly again, too, and this time it is right where it's supposed to be.
Also, since I left work a little after lunch, and got done with the doctor around 3:00, I decided to take the rest of the afternoon off. It was lovely. I went to Alpharetta and my mom and I went shopping at Target, and then ate dinner at California Pizza Kitchen. Then we went to Babies R Us and Ross. My mom got me a beautiful maternity top at Ross, and I promised her I'd take my 25 week picture in it tonight. I can't believe I'm 25 weeks...
One thing I got at Target is a large round photo frame, with lots of places to put photos of different sizes in. I can't wait to fill it up! We have so many beautiful pictures from the wedding, and not too many are on display. I want to put the frame over the crib, and it will be my version of having a nursery... :)
Speaking of which, Justin's Dad and Susan bought us a crib for Hosey (and we can't thank them enough!) and it will be delivered this weekend. We have to go pick it up, but I'm so excited! Justin wants to wait a while longer to put it together, but we'll see who wins. It has drawers underneath it, so I'd love to put it together and start putting clothes in there. And blankets. I added a photo of the crib from the website. It's not our apartment!
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