I finally finished our stockings. I still don't know whether they will ever be able to hold much, as I don't put much stock in felt, but they look pretty cute, if I do say so myself... Justin commented that Hosey's stocking is the same size as his (and he sounded a little hurt) so I added that his is taller, and Hosey's will actually some day hold things. Ours will probably not. I will add an initial to Hosey's at some point. Once we actually know which letter that will be.
Aren't you all excited to know the name? We've got them picked, and with a back up for each gender, just in case what we've picked doesn't fit the baby. And this time, no one will be able to tell us to our face that they don't like the name we've picked, because they will probably hear it when they see the baby, and that would just be tacky. Imagine what that poor baby would think...
I'm going to try some of my new sleepy time tea, which has been working wonders for me lately. Justin told me not to eat my cupcake because the chocolate and sugar would keep me awake. I did it anyways, and while I don't feel particularly sugared out, Hosey does seem particularly excited. Oops.
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