Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Big Day for Baby

Today was very busy for me and Roxanne. We had to get up earlier than usual to make it to her specialist appointment at Scottish Rite off of the Glenridge Connector. The appointment was at 9:30, and I wanted to leave at 8:30, but didn't get out the door until 9:00. We actually made it on time, and my mom met us there to help me out since Justin was back at work today. Roxanne was pretty well-behaved, even though we were there for 2 hours. We saw a nurse, a physical therapist, and several of the doctors (the doctors all come in a big group). The physical therapist was very nice, and she did some exercises with Roxanne to test her arm movement. She brought her a rattle, and I was very surprised to see Roxanne hold it and wave it around. I didn't know she could do that! Roxanne did very well with everything. The physical therapist said she looked great and gave me a sheet with some exercises to do, but most of them (like tummy time) are things that all babies are supposed to do. She said that tummy time will be great because it will help strengthen Roxanne's shoulder, since she'll putting pressure on it. The doctor said pretty much the same thing; that Roxanne looks great and that she expects (but can't guarantee) that Roxanne will make a full recovery. She said that if babies are going to make a full recovery, they will do so by the time they are three months. And Roxanne has made huge progress in just one month, so she should be totally fine by three. The doctor said we could come back in a year if we still see any signs of a problem, but she doubted we would. Roxanne's a tough little girl.

After the doctor, we went to lunch at a restaurant near North Point, which was delicious. I forgot the name of it... But Roxanne only stayed in her car seat for about ten minutes. She only fussed a little, but I went ahead and pulled her out and held her. She slept through the rest of lunch on my shoulder. Next was Babies 'R Us, where we picked up some necessities. They have a special lounge for breastfeeding there, so we took advantage of it. It was a little icky, as all the furniture was a little worse for wear, but it was private, and not in a bathroom! After that, we went to the mall for a little while. I put Roxanne in the sling, but ended up carrying her around for part of the time. She likes to look around. I ended up feeding her in the Dillard's bathroom, and in the Macy's bathroom. She was really being snacky, and I had accidentally left her pacifier at the doctor's office. All in all, she did very well, and me and my mom had a lot of fun. Roxanne attracted a lot of attention, but fortunately, nobody touched her. One woman touched the ears on her outfit, but that was it. It was a nice day.

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