Roxanne and I are really being lazy today. We had a busy weekend, taking Roxanne to Lenox on Saturday night, and going to Nana and Mike and Leah's house yesterday for a big family party. After leaving Nana's we also went to Babies R Us and bought some vitals, like diapers, wipes, etc. We bought a sun shade for the car, and I'm proud to announce that I talked Justin into letting me get the Sponge Bob Squarepants one. We're going to look like "those" parents. You know, the ones who have a nursery decorated with Winnie the Pooh and a wardrobe full of Disney characters, etc. etc. But we're not. Don't worry. I just like Sponge Bob. Especially the snail that meows. That appeals to my high brow sense of humor.
Anyways, Roxanne didn't nap much yesterday or Saturday, so today she's just been snoozing a lot, and I'm just laying around with her. I keep waking her up while kissing her head, and it makes her irritated. She swats at me. Isn't she too young to resent me? Oh well, I guess I should start getting used to it.
Yesterday was fun, and Roxanne got passed around a lot. She sort of seemed to like it. My cousins, Sarah Ellen and Anna are three year old twins, and they both got to "hold" Roxanne yesterday. It was very funny listening to Anna say "I want Roxanne in my hand" over and over. The only downside was that Roxanne is continuing to refuse the bottle. It's sort of annoying because I keep pumping milk for it, and it ends up thrown out because Roxanne just won't take it in the bottle. What's a mom to do? I'm sure she'll get it sooner or later. She's a big girl, and I know she likes to eat.
My mom found this Lamaze tummy time toy (in the picture) and I've been trying to get Roxanne interested in it. She's still a little small for it, but she looks really funny in it. She just hangs her head off the edge and whimpers, but she is working on keeping it up! For now, I'm still doing some regular tummy time, too, since she needs to work on her shoulder strength, and she's too small to use her arms much while on the toy. It's really cute though.
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