So our Easter was lovely. Roxanne looked very cute in her Easter Dress, and she liked watching her cousins all dressed up and hunting for eggs. She behaved pretty well at the Country Club! It's so funny; when we arrived and were seated, "I thought, geez, this table is huge!" but at this point, we have 15 people! 16 including Roxanne. I never really think of us has having a big family, but it really is. And the 15 is just my mom's side. That doesn't include my stepdad's family, my Dad and stepmom's respective families, and then Justin's family...I could go on.
Anyways, we had a great time, and got to see my Aunt and Uncle's beautiful new home that just recently was finished. It's right next to the Country Club and on the lake. It's very very nice. Sometimes I think about living in a house again, and I just get awed thinking about what we would do with all of the space! Of course, we probably will be in apartments indefinitely, so it's all pipe dreams. Anyways, on Monday at work I noticed some itchy spots behind my ears. By Tuesday morning, I had angry and itchy red welts covering a pretty significant portion of my body. I went to the doctor (I had just called the nurses to see what medication I could take and then they called back and said I should be seen...ugh). It was a waste of time. The doctor just said that it could be an allergic reaction, and I could probably take Benadryl. I'm erring on the side of caution and have been using an Aveeno anti-itch lotion for poison ivy and chicken pox and stuff. It works pretty well. By today, the welts are much less red and itchy, so I think I'm in the upswing. Thank goodness. I was getting lots of weird looks at work. Fortunately, and knock on wood, Roxanne and Justin haven't shown any signs, which makes me think it was something I am allergic to, or just too much stress. Who knows? It's sort of been one thing after another lately.
Roxanne has really been changing lately. She has giggled a few times, although I can't seem to figure out how to reliably get her to do it. Today she giggled at Katie, while I had Roxanne in the Snugli carrier and I was trying to put Katie's leash on. Katie was being a total spaz and bouncing off of everything, and Roxanne apparently thought it was funny. I can't wait until she starts doing it more often. It's just the cutest sound. She's still drooling and drooling and drooling. I think she might be starting teething. Ick. She's got a fist in her moth almost all the time. And if she can catch your hand, she'll grab it, and then slowly raise it towards her mouth, all while looking at you, like she's thinking "Dare me? I'm gonna do it!" She's really cuter and cuter every day.
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