Well, bad news. I took Roxanne to the pediatrician this morning because she really wasn't doing any better. Turns out she has a minor ear infection in one ear, and her chest congestion is a little worse. Her 6 month check up (and birthday) is on Thursday, so the doctor said she could come back then and she will make sure that Roxanne's chest congestion is a little better. In the mean time, we have antibiotics for her. Two times a day, for ten days. The first dose this morning was pretty good I guess. But it's a lot of medicine for such a little monkey. I'm not feeling great either, and I'm still trying to decide if I should go to the doctor, too. It's such a pain, but I'm worried that Roxanne and I are just passing something back and forth. This is the start of the third week of both of us being sick.
In other news, we had a nice weekend. Justin's work had a picnic on Saturday, and that was really fun. It was at Indian Creek Park near Avondale Estates. It was very shady, so it wasn't too hot. Later we went to the James Joyce Pub in Avondale, which was pretty delicious. Roxanne was laid back and just went with the flow all day. We drove around Avondale Estates and decided that we really like it over there, and in a few years when we are thinking about buying a house, we may look in that area. It's really gorgeous.
Father's Day was nice. But we were all exhausted from Roxanne not sleeping much on Saturday night, so we were a little cranky. But we went to La Fonda for brunch, and then went up to my dad and Colleen's farm later for dinner. We have lots of photos that I will post later. I just posted a huge batch of photos from when me and Justin were little. Dad had them on a CD from when he did a slide show for our wedding, so I uploaded them. It seems to me that Roxanne looks more like her Daddy when he was a baby. Especially her eyes. What do you guys think? The first photo is me and the second is Roxanne. The third is Justin.
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