Today sucked. It just did. We had such a lovely weekend, but Roxanne kept me up most of the night screaming. In the process of trying to figure out what was wrong with her, I realized that she is cutting four teeth at once. Poor little thing. Soon she'll have eight teeth! So anyways, I hoped that since I was tired, the day would be sort of laid back, but it was not to be. There were worker's tearing up the old driveway at Ben's house, and it was a very loud process. Nobody really napped (well, they did a little, but not at the right times and not for long enough). My carefully crafted schedule went out the window. Consequently, everyone was fussy for most of the day. And at one point, I caught Roxanne with a dead cockroach in her hand, and she was starting to shove it in her mouth when I caught it and had a total freakout. I seriously considered washing her mouth and hand in the faucet and calling the Pediatrician immediately. But then I realized that I read over and over again about how babies eat gross things off the floor and it's not really that big of a deal. Easier said than done. I still get shivers thinking about that disgusting thing in my little baby's hand. I guess it would have had some protein...
In other news, Roxanne is getting really big. Justin and I had picked out some super cute fall clothes for Roxanne in the 12-18 month size, but she's already fitting into them now. I'm a little worried that we will end up having to get new clothes this winter. I've been able to follow my plan of buying some basics at Baby Gap and then supplementing with consignment sale pieces. I've had great luck at the sales this season, although every time I go I swear to Justin that I'm only going to look for a baby gate. Funny thing is, I have yet to find a baby gate, but I've gotten lots of cute clothes. So it goes. I went to one on Saturday morning (Roxanne and I go really early, like 8:30 so that Justin has the house to himself and can sleep in peace for a little while) and bought somewhere around 15 pieces for $8.25. Pretty awesome. My favorite are these Baby Gap floral jammies. If you can tell, they are very snug. Evidently jammies are supposed to be very snug for safety reasons, but these are 12-18 months, and they are really almost too small. Roxanne's arms look like little sausages.
I don't know Adriane - It seemed jarringly incongruous to read the words "Rough Day" and then look at the photo of that little angel (especially looking so blonde and pink)! Although after reading your blog, I understand the title!
On a practical note, another good thing about Gap is they have a liberal return policy - I think it may be 6 months - you might want to check...
Unfortunately, those jammies are consignment. But whatever, I'll just keep jamming her into them for a few more weeks.
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