Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Lost Camera and Cruising

If anyone is paying attention, I haven't been uploading many pictures lately. Justin and I seem to have misplaced our camera. Well, I guess maybe I misplaced it. Usually when I do this, I find whatever I am missing in some pocket of my giant diaper bag that I didn't know existed. But I don't think that's the case this time. I just hope I find it before the beach trip. As it is, I don't have any pictures of Roxanne in her Halloween costume. We did have a great time at the Little Five Points Halloween parade. Roxanne looked adorable, and she definitely liked watching all the crazy costumes (and crazy crowd members). There was a little boy dressed as a peacock, and Roxanne could not take her eyes off of him. It was really packed, and there were about four rows of people along the parade route. I weaseled my way up to the front and sat on the ground with Roxanne so we could see more. It was perfect, but there were these two middle-aged women standing near us who were extremely drunk and obnoxious. They had big hair, and eighties outfits and they were drinking margaritas. They had several of them, and it was only four in the afternoon. They were yelling and hitting on people in the parade and all around them. I heard one of them lean over and tell a man near her, "I'm in rehab, I shouldn't be drinking." and then laugh uncontrollably. At one point she and her friend edged closer to us and she leaned down and asked me, "Is that a baby?" gesturing to Roxanne in my lap. After I said yes, she asked "Is that a wig?" pointing at the hat I made Roxanne. I told her it was a hat and did the best I could to look really mean and unfriendly in order to keep her from talking to me any further. Fortunately, a couple of minutes later, they crossed the road. Roxanne was handed a big Tootsie Roll by a guy from the Dad's Garage (a comedy place). She chewed it for about fifteen minutes with the wrapper on and didn't really look at the parade during that whole time. I know that's kind of gross, but sometimes, you just have to let these things go.

After the parade, we went to my Dad and Colleen's farm. My sister and brother-in-law and Ella and Chloe were there. Roxanne really gets a kick out of her cousins. And they are so sweet with her, especially Ella. Spending the night at the farm is really a nice break. Eating a big huge family dinner and a big huge family breakfast is fun. We're lucky we have so much family and have the chance to do it pretty often. We all went to Burt's Pumpkin Farm on Sunday morning, and even though Roxanne was a little fussy on and off due to an icky cold, she definitely loved the pumpkins. If you go to my sister's blog (link on the left) there is a photo of Roxanne standing on a pumpkin with a big grin. She really liked banging on them with her hands, and since she has finally started cruising a little bit, she was able to take some steps on the bigger pumpkins. We went on a hayride, too, and she really seemed to like it. She likes it when the wind blows in almost any situation. Sometimes I can calm her down in the car when she's fussy by opening the two back windows and creating a breeze across her. She waves her hands in it and giggles.

She still has a little bit of a cold, but she hasn't had any fever or anything. It started with a cough on Saturday and seemed to be the worst Sunday and yesterday. Poor thing hates when I get the saline for her nose. As soon as she sees the bottle she starts turning her head back and forth and puts her hands in front of her face. I don't exactly treasure the moments squirting stuff up her nose either, but it's so pitiful listening to her stuffy nose. Someone told me about their friends who had a new baby with a bad cold. Frustrated by the bulb syringe that you are supposed to use to suction out a baby's nasal passages, the dad apparently put his mouth over the baby's nose and sucked out all the contents. That is love. It is also disgusting. I apologize in advance if any of you are now feeling queasy. I am a little myself. Maybe I should erase that. Nah. I have plenty of polite and sappy content in my blog. You can forgive me that nastiness. And I bet at least one of you will retell that story to a friend. And then it will become an urban legend. Only I know it's true because my friend was best friends with the guy who did it. Seriously.


Susan said...

Okay, I was really enjoying your entry when I came across the dad sucking the snot out of the baby's nose reference. I do NOT do snot well, so I am completely and totally grossed out and am not sure if I will be able to finish my M&Ms (snuck from the Halloween stash).

adriane said...

Sorry! Maybe I should add a warning. I promise I will next time.

Jim said...

Susan's so finicky, I can't even blow my nose in front of her!