Roxanne figured out how to turn and steer her walker this week. It's a big deal because now she is tearing up the entire downstairs floor with that thing. Before she would cross the room and then stop once she hit any kind of blockade like a wall or door or table or couch, etc. etc. But now she has learned to back up and take things from another angle. Tonight I went to Perimeter Mall to meet my mom and left Roxanne with Justin, and when I got home he told me that she was really going fast with her walker. He also said that she knocked into Katie with it twice while Katie was trying to eat her dinner. Poor tortured Katie. Roxanne and her daddy apparently had lots of fun while I was gone though.
Oh, and Roxanne had some pretty serious head trauma today at work. She has been tumbling a lot lately, since she wants to pull up on EVERYTHING and doesn't always have the most steady footing. But today she was trying to put her face in my face while I was laying on the floor, and she fell sideways and hit her forehead on a toy. It cut/scraped her and she really fussed. I felt terrible, since I watched it happen, but I think it was pretty minor. It only bled a little, and I was able to put some ice on it so it didn't swell much. But now she has a pretty big mark on her little forehead. I'm hoping it doesn't turn into a big goose egg bruise. Something tells me it won't be the last war wound. Especially once she starts walking...
The photo above is from my sister. It was taken at Stone Mountain during our little trip. I would like to use it for holiday cards, but I feel like it is already too late for that... I keep getting e-mails from stores about "LAST MINUTE SHOPPING" and I'm thinking, "I haven't really started my Christmas can it already be last minute??" I guess you're supposed to be done by November 1... Oops. I guess I should get on that.
Adriane! That is the best family picture ever!
Evie is going to make my presents for me this year....
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