Yay! I finished Roxanne's sun dress last night. I'm going to try and start a new project tonight to keep the momentum going. I also tried the dress on Roxanne this evening, and it fits fairly well. It's a little big at the neck, which is made worse by the fact that she won't stop trying to pull the buttons off. Awesome. I'm thinking of having her wear it backwards... But we'll see. The photos above are of me trying to get her to keep still in it long enough to get a picture. Not so easy. I'm uploading a few photos to Flickr, and also some videos that I keep trying to upload but get timed out because the Flickr Uploadr tool is really not good and fails while I'm uploading them every time. So if they go through, there are some that are kind of old, but still cute. I love the videos. And Roxanne really loves to watch them, too.
We had a nice weekend. We got to see Nana and Leah on Friday and Saturday, and on Sunday we went to Athens and had brunch with Grandma and Grandpa. That was really a nice treat, and it was fun to walk around downtown Athens with Roxanne (even in the rain). We went to Wuxtry, the record store downtown, and Roxanne and I walked laps while Justin browsed local music. The store is so old and falling apart, so Roxanne had a blast walking on the different floor surfaces, especially the bare plywood platform in the middle of the store. She climbed on and off of it about a million times and when she got up on it, she stomped and stomped around and danced to the hip obscure music that was playing. Then we went to Helix, my favorite gift-y store in Athens. It's overpriced, but has lots of really cool kids stuff. We couldn't decide on a good thing to get her (although I really want to get her one of these Baby Stella dolls but couldn't bring myself to pay so much for it) but ended up with a kids CD called Wiggly Biggly Toes. It's pretty cute. I think I will get her one of the Baby Stella dolls eventually because it has so many cool little accessory packages that will give Roxanne the full "baby doll" experience. I especially like how the pacifier and the baby's mouth are magnetized.
Which brings me to my next point... I was reading in this book (The Portable Pediatrician...my boss swears by it) that at Roxanne's age, they should have a baby doll to play with and start learning about taking care of it. So I can justify it... It's for her development! Right. Regardless, I realized this weekend that if we don't get her some "girly" things sometime soon, she is going to be a hopeless tom boy. My Grandma gave Roxanne some Happy Meal toys on Sunday, and included were two My Little Pony dolls. They are really cute, with long pink hair and little plastic brushes for the baby to groom them. Roxanne used the brush to comb her hair a little, then chewed on the brushes before throwing them on the floor over and over at the restaurant. As for the ponies, she was making them fly through the air while making her favorite sound: "kkksshhhhh." It's the noise Josh makes when he makes his toys fly in the air. Things like Batman and race cars. Roxanne makes most of her toys fly now, while making that noise. She also pushes toys along the floor while making that noise. After letting them fly some, she flew the ponies on the ground. I mean, I try to be fairly gender neutral with her and I don't really want to push her into being overly girly, but I do think she probably needs a little more balance. Can someone convince Justin that a Baby Stella should be in our March budget somewhere? And maybe the feeding set and the dress up set so Roxanne can really get a feel for taking care of Baby Stella? What do baby girls play with at this age? I don't even know. I feel like it's probably not that different, but Roxanne copies Josh a lot, and an almost-three-year-old boy definitely plays differently than a girl at his age.
Oh, and on two unrelated notes, my friend Jacquelyn has made her blog private (one of the links on the left). If you read it, send me an e-mail and let me know. She promises that she will invite anyone who is a friend of mine to read it if they are interested. And also, I posted a new link to my friend Linnea's art blog. It's very interesting and fun to read. Linnea is glamorous and living in New York City. Yay Linnea!
18 bucks for a doll is NOT expensive. Next time you have to take care of Noah, buy it!
I LOVE the dress. It looks fantastic!
OK, this is just bizarre. When I read your comment I was confused because last night it was listed at $27. But when I clicked the link in my blog today, it was $18. But now it's back to $27. I'm totally totally confused. But I should have bought it when it was $18! Weird!
I LOVE the dress, it's very cute colors for Roxanne's complexion:)
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