Saturday, June 13, 2009

Botanical Garden "field trip"

Roxanne was busy this week. We got to go to the zoo on Monday with Josh, since Ben was sick and stayed with this grandparents. On Friday, Josh stays with his mom, so I took Ben and Roxanne to the Botanical Garden. They were both in their swim attire and splashed in the fountain for quite a while. They had a lot of fun and got totally worn out. Her bathing suit above is a hand-me-down from Chloe. Thanks Chloe! And the Monday zoo trip was nice, too. We don't normally get to go when it's so empty, and we even got a couple of extras, like listening to a "tiger tale" at the tiger habitat. That was basically listening to a zoo employee read a book about a tiger, but it was nice.

Roxanne is getting more and more interested in the zoo. She has learned "gorilla" and "monkey" and knows the difference most of the time. Unfortunately, her word for "gorilla" sounds a lot like her word for "Ella," her lovely cousin. Sorry Ella. I promise though, she knows the difference. When she sees photos of Ella and Chloe, she usually points to them and says their names. "Chloe" sounds like "Co-ee" and "Ella" sounds like "Eh-wa." She has also recently learned "Ernie" and "bob-bob" for Sponge Bob. When she sees any images of Sponge Bob, she points and yells "bob-bob!" which I'm ashamed to admit prompted me to buy her some Sponge Bob Kraft macaroni and cheese. Blue box please. In my defense, I mix veggies in with the mac and cheese. That makes it a little better. Any Sesame Street character gets an excited "Elmo!" I'm hoping that the next time a Sesame Street Live show comes through town, we can take her. I think she would like it. Too bad it's a million dollars... It just came through Macon and Albany, but the tickets started at like $25 and you have to pay for everyone over 12 months old. I know why they do that, since the audience is primarily toddlers, but still. Maybe they could charge a slightly lower price for toddlers? Slightly lower??? Like $15? I don't know. I guess you have to pay for the real Elmo. :)

No house news. Just more guff from our agent about how "everyone wants this sale to go through and we'll work it out." Sigh. Never ending saga.


kramsell said...

Great pictures, was it cloudy that day? The lighting is perfect!

Art said...

Is Roxanne wearing miniture pink crocs???

adriane said...

Thanks Kendree! Yes, it was a little cloudy when I took the photos. Plus, it's pretty shaded.

And Linnea, they are not Crocs. They are "garden clogs" by Stride Rite. Don't judge me. :) Finding shoes for my littlest and her fat feet is NOT easy.

J said...

If you get scalped Sesame Street tickets, get me some, too. Evie would flip her lid for Cookie Monster.

About fees, I have a similar problem with the Children's Museum. Adults are 11 bucks? C'mon!!!

J said...

Oh, and let me know the next time you go to the zoo!!!