Roxanne and me at Piedmont Park today. This is not the most flattering angle for Mama, but at least you can see my 13-weeks-tomorrow belly. I haven't gained any weight during my first trimester (not that I'm bragging since I realize that I have to work this hard to not gain weight since my weight was high to start with) so that is more or less baby bumblebee, and not as much pregnant lady cravings gone crazy. The baby is around the size of a peach now! Crazy!

I love how she's looking up at Justin here. So cute. This weird mound at Piedmont Park (in the awesome 1976 modern playground designed by a Japanese artist that I played on as a kid!) is surprisingly fascinating for little ones. It's just a concrete bump, but everybody loves it! I say it looks like the moon, but Justin says it looks like Stone Mountain. But that's probably flattering Stone Mountain. It has that scrubby foliage around the bottom. It's like a balding man's head.

Roxanne enjoying the playground... She was screaming "I'm stuck, I'm stuck!"

She likes to hang from the monkey bars, but only for a few seconds. Then she drops.

Justin and Roxanne were pretending to solve a mystery of what was in this "cave."

She really loves the mountain/moon!

Candid photos are as good as it gets with a wiggly little one.

She was doing a sand dance or something, but I think she looks like she's doing the kind of walk that the monsters do in "Where the Wild Things Are." She's obsessed with her rain boots these days.

I love this castle slide in the background. I am so glad that they saved and refurbished this equipment. It's gorgeous, and for a while, it was really in bad shape.

Here's our new stroller! It's a Joovy double stroller. I got it for $25 second hand at a consignment sale. New, these babies are $125ish, and this one is great shape! The front is where the baby will go since it converts to support any baby carrier. The little platform on the back, facing Justin, is where Roxanne can sit, facing whoever is pushing the stroller. It even has a little seatbelt. She can also stand on the bottom platform instead of sitting. I think with the age difference, it will be ideal. She will be able to hop on and off as needed, and there is a storage basket underneath and even a cup-holder for us! I wasn't really planning to buy a double stroller, but when I found this, I couldn't pass it up, even though it's so early to be buying stuff for the baby. It was just such a good deal! I also got the stink eye from some other moms shopping at the sale, watching to see if I was really going to buy it. Sorry ladies!

Watching the geese at Piedmont.

At a recent trip to the zoo on one of the nice warm weekend days. Is anything cuter than these pigs?

Roxanne brushing a goat is pretty cute. She insists on a pink brush...

At the zoo, the baby bird.

Look how close that lion is!! They never sleep so close to the glass!

It took a lot of convincing to get her to wear leggings and a skirt and not leggings and a dress. But we call this skirt a tutu, and I kept telling her she would look like a ballerina. I won, but by a close margin. Mostly, I don't bother trying to fight that battle, but her dresses were dirty.

Roxanne's first princess dress! We went to her cousins' birthday party, which was a princess tea party. I found this dress at Target, marked down to $7 and it's really cute. It's not a Disney dress, but she says it's a Cinderella dress if you ask her. I still don't really understand how she knows so much about princesses...

Another shot of the princess dress. It was really cold, which is why she's in a shirt underneath. She's also talking to Nana on my phone (the orange thing). She's always multi-tasking...
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