Here's Roxanne as we were leaving for her swim lesson on Saturday. She had just finished throwing a giant fit. We are finding that Saturdays and Sundays are full of fun, intermingled with periods of INSANE grumpiness. Roxanne is giving up her naps, and the transition is not very pretty. But we'll still keep her. Her Nemo suitcase is from my mom and Mike and Leah, and she loves it. It's perfect for swim lessons (and overnight trips) because we can fit her towel and suit and change of clothes in it.

She's wearing her new sandals here. They are the pink version of the red ones she had last year, and they are by Livie and Luca. She picked them out with me at a consignment sale in Candler Park where they sold unused Livie and Luca old stock for about half the normal price. Thrifty and fancy! She is still insisting on wearing ONLY dresses, and her girly girl obsession is getting out of control. She often insists on having a bow in her hair, and she wants to paint her nails several times a week. I swear we aren't encouraging it, but we are also just not making a big deal about it. Hopefully it's just a phase... Today we were meeting some friends with two sons for a playdate, and before we left, she said "I can't play with boys, because I'm a girl. I want to play with girls." Sigh. Of course I talked to her for a long time about why boys and girls like to play with each other, and of course she had a lot of fun with the boys. But good grief. Where is all of this coming from???

We took MARTA to Georgia State for Roxanne's lesson. I tagged along to watch. Oh, and here Roxanne is wearing her new Old Navy flip flops. Perfect for poolside, and she's starting to get used to walking in them. One thing about Old Navy; the clothes might be cheap and fall apart, but the flip flops are abundant, come in fun colors, and are CHEAP. Oh, and sidenote, we just realized at the MARTA station that the wheels of Roxanne's suitcase light up when you are wheeling it around. Fun!

We got to the lesson a little early (shocked? You should be) so Roxanne stared wistfully into the water while waiting for the teacher to come and get her. She was the only little girl in her group, and the four little boys were at least a year older than her, but she still seemed to have fun. From where we were watching, she seemed to listen to the instructor on most things, but she definitely did not want to float on her back. She did finally try it a couple of times. She seemed to like it when they were squeezing these weird bean bag things over their heads and then practicing getting the water out of their eyes/faces. Her favorite was jumping off the side and into the pool to the instructor (who was a very sweet young woman). Hopefully by the end of the session (five more weeks) she'll have gained a lot more confidence and be on her way to being a little swimmer! She loves being in the water, she just gets nervous about going under water.
Really enjoyed this post! Great descriptions, and of course, it makes me miss the little babydoll. Can't wait to see all of you in less than a month!
Thanks Susan! She's excited, too!
Haha. I have avoided the uber girly girl thing so far. Maybe having a brother has offset that. As for nails, I haven't painted my nails since 2005, so Evie has only seen my sister's nails and thinks they are so bizarre. Evie picks at her nails occasionally so probably for the best. hahah She would look so cute with them, though. I would love to see R's little nails. I always loved when I was little.
I think it's wonderful she is getting swimming lessons!
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