I know, I missed blogging Roxanne's 4th birthday, Justin's 30th birthday, Christmas, and New Year. I won't try to catch up with all of that. I'll just say that all of it was wonderful. Roxanne had her party at Little Shop of Stories in Decatur (where we had her 1st birthday party) and she wanted a Christmas theme. Most of her little school buddies came, and it was perfect. Lots of fun was had by all. :) For Justin, I threw a surprise party and some of his co-workers and friends came. We celebrated Justin's big 3-0 here at home in a fairly tame way, but he WAS very surprised and everyone had a nice time showing Justin how awesome we think he is. Christmas was the usual whirlwind of visiting, gift-wrap, and happy family moments. It was beautiful to share the holiday with baby Nadine. Santa brought her some goodies, probably because Roxanne was sure to tell Santa what Nadine wanted. Always looking out for her sister! In current news, Roxanne is doing wonderfully in school, and is quite the artist. She is learning to write some letters and recognize the sounds that they make. She love love loves to sing now, too. She still sings Christmas songs constantly, but she often substitutes the words for whatever is convenient (and silly). Nadine is grabbing everything she can get her hands on, and wants to put all of it into her mouth. She is sitting on her own for short periods (like 4 seconds...) before toppling over. She wants to be in the exersaucer as much as possible. We have started her on rice cereal and some apple mixed in. We had planned to wait until 6 months, but the doctor said we could start at 4 months, and she won't really take a bottle, so we opted to start her on cereal so Justin could feed her while I'm in class Monday and Tuesday nights. She doesn't eat that much of it, but she does very well with it! She's up to 17 pounds 5 ounces now, and she is so so long! Our littlest baby is getting not so little.
Nadine eating her first cereal with Roxanne's help.
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