Sunday, July 29, 2012

Radio Silence?

Six months.  Plus or minus.  Ack!!!  All I can say is that life is busy with two little ones, a full time job, and graduate school!  Instead of trying to go back and fill in all of the lovely things I've missed (sorry Nadine!) I'll try to just update on what is happening now, a week-ish before our littlest is turning ONE!

Nadine is now walking, and getting less wobbly every day.  She is so proud of herself as she gets from one point to the next, and it's so fun to watch.  She is very chirpy and chatty most of the time, although it's still hard to identify specific words.  She uses "uh-oh" correctly and says it in a very adorable way.  She says "Da-da" to Justin, but also uses a variation of it when she's waving goodbye (sounds slightly more like "di-di").  She says "mama," but usually in a whiny voice when she wants to nurse.  Sigh.  She seems to have a greeting for our cat BooBoo, and they have a love/hate relationship.  As in, Nadine loves BooBoo and BooBoo mostly hates Nadine.  They have had a few spats, but Nadine doesn't seem to mind the scratches much.  She is, as Justin calls her, "a good sport."  She gets knocked around quite a bit by all of the older kids, and she really takes most of it in stride.  She wants to be right in there with them, and loves to laugh at their silly antics, and only cries when she gets a toy taken away, or gets genuinely hurt.  She is such a sweet, lovely little thing.  She has her two bottom front teeth, and her top left one is now mostly coming through.  I'm thinking the top left will follow shortly.

We'll be celebrating Nadine's birthday at our neighborhood pool next weekend.  Just a nice low key get-together, but it means so much to us.  We had to struggle to get our little Nadine, and I couldn't be more thankful to have her.

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