Sorry, this photo is so blurry! This is the baby bump when Roxanne and I were at the beach. So, in a cheesy way, it represents Baby Bumblebee's first beach trip!

These ultrasound images are Baby Bumblebee's face profile. They were taken when I was 20 weeks, 4 days, and Bumblebee measured 20 weeks 1 day. I'm still hoping that I can continue not gaining weight (I still haven't gained any!) and keep the baby's weight at a good, healthy place. The Friday that I had these ultrasounds, Justin was able to come with me to the ultrasound part. That appointment was in the morning. My midwife appointment was later in the afternoon. I found out at the later appointment that even though I passed the early Gestational Diabetes screening, my blood tests were VERY close to the cut-off. So now I'm trying to follow the Gestational Diabetes diet. It's not easy but if it helps me avoid a C-section, I'm willing to do my best.

More Bumblebee pictures! The baby looks great on the ultrasounds. He or she was 15 ounces at the time of the appointment. Everything seems to be developing normally. The baby kept pulling his or her feet and hands all up together in front of his or her face. And waving one finger in the air. Oh, and for posterity, the baby's heartbeat was 154 at the ultrasound, and 159 at the midwife appointment. These rates are MUCH higher than Roxanne's were. And higher is supposed to mean girl. Of course, you can't totally rely on that, but it definitely points to girl! Justin says he'd love a boy, but that he doesn't think it's likely. :)

Here's a 21 week belly photo. Classy basement bathroom photo...

Here's from today. I'll be 22 weeks tomorrow. I know my face is sun-burned and a mess here. We went to the Dogwood Festival today with Justin's dad (much to Roxanne's delight!) and I got too much sun; in that charming way that happens when you wear sunglasses and no sunscreen. Oops.
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