Sunday, May 1, 2011
Roxanne photos!
I'm way way way behind on photo sharing. So please bear with me. I am starting with the oldest photos first. We've been so busy lately, and I've been spending a TON of time on schoolwork. We're still doing fun stuff on the weekends, I just haven't had time to blog about it! And about half of our events have gone un-photographed (for various reasons I won't bore you with explanations of). We have no Easter photos, or photos from our mini-family reunion with some of my Dad's side of the family. But they were both fun!
Pony ride at Little Creek Farm in Decatur. Sorry about the blurry photos. It was super dark in the barn, and our camera just isn't fancy enough to compensate. Roxanne LOVES pony rides though. Oh, and this is not really a pony. It's a horse. A big one. But Roxanne didn't mind. Grandpa Jim was here for this, too. Roxanne had a good time waving to him and me and Justin as she went around.
Look how little she is on that horse! After she rode around, we walked around the farm, which is very pretty, and pet and fed some of the other horses. She still remembers you "feed them with your hand flat so they don't eat your fingers." See, I still remember a few useful things from my almost 10 years of riding horses.
I think the Mardi Gras beads are extremely appropriate in this equestrian setting. Right?
Here's Roxanne at the Dogwood Festival at Piedmont. This was the Sunday after the pony rides, and Grandpa Jim was here for this, too. She had a BLAST on this scary jumpy thing. She kept saying she was flying like Tinkerbell. The guys operating the ride were super nice, and she kept asking them to make her go higher. They would grab her by the ankles and pull her down, and then she'd bounce super high. Terrifyingly awesome.
Just like Tinkerbell...
Ready to go!
On an awesome old carousel with Justin at the Dogwood Festival. Justin's face is highly accurate, because this thing was going FAST. It made the Zoo carousel look like a baby ride. Roxanne rode it once with Grandpa Jim and once with Justin. I passed...
Roxanne and Grandpa Jim running to the ferris wheel. She was SO disappointed that she was too short for it. But the carousel was a pretty good consolation prize.
You have no idea how long it took me to convince her that she could wear a skirt and shirt (as opposed to a dress, as she was begging for). I normally don't bother trying to fight about it, but she had no dresses clean. Even though she finally put this outfit on, she told me about five times that she was going to put a dress back on as soon as we got home. Sigh.
Justin, Grandpa Jim, Roxanne, and Roxanne's belly.
Here's from yesterday at the Strawberry Festival at Washington Farms in Watkinsville. We had so much fun!
Roxanne and Chloe feeding the goats.
The cousins staring at the baby cows. They were pretty standoffish and not interested in being pet or fed like the goats. But holy cow they were cute.
Roxanne and Chloe jammed into the same cow car on the cow train. Best recycling I've ever seen!
Picking strawberries!
Justin trying to help Roxanne pick good ones. She was basically only looking for the flowers...
"I'll pick it, Daddy!"
We weren't supposed to eat these as they were being picked, but I admit, a few were consumed. Oops.
Roxanne dressed up all of her "babies." Don't they look cozy?
Dressing up herself. Doesn't she look so so so old here???
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