Thursday, January 31, 2008


Today has been up and down. I went to my doctor's appointment earlier, which was fine. Everything was fine, and my doctor says I've healed nicely and that everything looks good. I've also already lost a little over 30 pounds. I still have more to go to get to my pre-pregnancy weight, and I'd like to lose even more. Breastfeeding is the best diet plan ever! And losing giant amounts of fluid. Roxanne was pretty good at the doctor's office. She liked Dr. Johnston and smiled and stared at her while she held her. I wanted to take a picture, but I forgot to.

When we got back home, my W-2 had come, and since we got Justin's yesterday, I thought I'd go ahead and get started on filing our return now that we have TurboTax. I've just finished doing most of the initial work on it, and we apparently owe $900. I have no idea how that happened, and I have no idea how we are going to pay it. I think we'll have to put off filing until the last minute and try to save up money in the mean time. I guess we have until April... This is going to be a tight couple of months. What happens when you don't pay the government your taxes? I wonder if we can put them on layaway. :) We had been hoping for a good return this year since we knew we'd get a break for Roxanne being born. That's why I was in such a rush to file. Does that count as irony?

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