Friday, November 30, 2007

Hooray for Friday

I'm very relieved that it's Friday. This week went by very quickly for some reason, but I'm ready for it to be over...

I had a really fun day yesterday, and I went to IKEA with my mom on my lunch break. Of course, I told my boss that I needed to run to the doctor's office to get some paperwork done, but I don't feel too guilty. It was the first time I've taken a lunch break all week. IKEA was fun, and I bought some Christmas gifts, and ate some delicious meatballs and macaroni and cheese. Then Mom got us some lingonberry frozen yogurt on the way out. It was very good. I really love the kid's stuff at IKEA, and the stuffed animals are so cute, and soft and squishy. I told Justin I'd like to some day get Hosey the panda bear that they have there, as it's very soft, and cute, and doesn't have any hard parts (the eyes are just thread, so it should be OK for babies on) and Justin grew up with a panda bear. Justin wants to stitch up the holes in his panda and give that to Hosey, but I think we should wait until Hosey gets older for that, since Mama Panda (Justin's panda) has hard plastic eyes and is currently dropping out chunks of foam from her insides. She is very cute though.

My mom also gave us a new shower curtain that she found at Ross, and it's absolutely perfect for us. It's covered in pictures of 1960's kids' foods. Stuff like pudding and chocolate milk, and it is very cheerful and child appropriate. We love it! And she had some books, including a very cute baby book called "Baby Owls." The owls are very cute, and their names are Percy, Bill and Sally. I love baby books. She also gave me a memoir by Ann Lamont about her first year as a mom. I really like Ann Lamont, and she's a really funny writer who is easy to read. She's more of a bohemian that we will ever be, but still, the message at the root is the same.

We went to dinner with our friends J and J and their baby Evie at our nieghborhood Fellini's. It was fun, and of course, being around babies is always good practice... :)

We're going to Stone Mountain tomorrow night for family Christmas (courtesy of my Grandma and Grandpa) and I'm really excited about it. We're staying at the Evergreen resort on Saturday night, and I can't wait. I love sleeping in hotels. Big beds, a TV with real cable, and the most easily adjustable air conditioning! It's like heaven... Poor Katie, we have to get someone to watch her. Any time we go on vacation, it's not really fun for her. Although I usually have my friend Sarah at work watch her, and Katie likes her a lot.

Anyways, I'm stalling again at work. Back to the grind!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

I remember Mommy Panda Bear! She was a very precious member of the family. If you want, I can see if I can stitch her up for you sometime.

Have fun in Stone Mountain.....and call if anything happens.
